Sleep Inn Hotel Paseo Las Damas i San José

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Costa RicaSleep Inn Hotel Paseo Las Damas


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3rd Avenue 9 & 11 st San José San José CR, El Carmen, San José, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2521 6500
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9352168, Longitude: -84.0741815

kommentar 5

  • Evandro Brigídio

    Evandro Brigídio


    Located in the heart of San Jose. Clean and well maintained. Attentive staff.

  • Jeff Guleserian

    Jeff Guleserian


    THIS sleep Inn is a great value for a combination of quality VS price. While it is only rated as a 4 star hotel, the service is certainly as great as any 5 star I have seen in Costa Rica. From the manager to housekeeping, everyone was helpful, friendly, and personable without that weird "I'm doing this for the tip" attitude prevalent in many service industries. Clean facility. Some furniture seemed a bit worn, but still functional. One caution, however, because of the casino in proximity to the hotel, one often sees men accompanied by hired escorts. While attention is never drawn to them, it may be something you don't want to have to explain to your kids. Otherwise, the hotel clearly strives to be family friendly.

  • Natasa Nastova

    Natasa Nastova


    Great hotel in San Jose we had great time Strongly recommended

  • Vishal Mody

    Vishal Mody


    If you don't wanna spent a lot of money then this is a good clean place to stay. I got good deal for the my night i spent .

  • Dean P

    Dean P


    Great place on central San Jose. Was a perfect place for us to stay in advance of our flights out the next day. Staff were very nice. Breakfast wasn’t the best, but we found enough to make do with it. There is a casino attached. If you’re looking for a clean, comfortable room in a great location - give it a shot. I’d definitely stay again if back in San Jose.

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