Hostel Shakti i San José

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Costa RicaHostel Shakti


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Avenida 8, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2221 4631
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Latitude: 9.9300985, Longitude: -84.0733032

kommentar 5

  • Eugénie Fortin-Simms

    Eugénie Fortin-Simms


    Worth the price

  • Laura Paolino

    Laura Paolino


    Close of everything! Excellent staff.

  • Kevin McCann

    Kevin McCann


    Awesome place if you like quieter hostels, the breakfast is restaurant-quality (because you eat at the restaurant downstairs), and provides a great place and time to plan your day. Rooms weren't especially spacious, but perfect for a spot to hang your hat and keep your stuff while you're exploring San Jose and surrounding areas. Everyone was super kind and helpful!

  • Ujwal Velagapudi

    Ujwal Velagapudi


    Had to check in very late after my flight, but they were accommodating with my last second booking. They gave me a 4 bed room, even though I had booked just a small room with 1 twin bed. Seems like there was no one else at the hostel, almost every room was empty. They have free soup which was nice since all food spots were closed and I was starving when I arrived at 3am! Now the railroad is super loud! Definitely beware if you are a light sleeper. It will be constant, throughout the day and night, seemed to have no consistent time even if you wanted to avoid it.

  • Claudio Siciliano

    Claudio Siciliano


    The staff is, without a doubt, great loving people. We need to pass our last day in Sanjose before returning home, but this made a sweet end to our trip. One of the ladies even fought for us with a taxi driver, so that we don't pay too much. Their restaurant is awesome as well.

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