Hotel Balmoral i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaHotel Balmoral



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Avenida Central Calles 7 y 9, El Carmen, San José, 10303, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2222 5022
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9337019, Longitude: -84.0751958

kommentar 5

  • Brent Chadwell

    Brent Chadwell


    - AC requires room key, they only give you one. Prepare to return to a hot, humid room every day. My damp clothes from Monday are still wet on Friday - wifi drops out a lot, zoom calls are impossible after 7pm when more people are using it - the hotel doesn't sell any snacks or bottled water even though everything closes at 8pm because of the pandemic - all doors are locked at night and you have to ring a bell at the side entrance. I spent 10 minutes ringing and yelling trying to get in - a swarm of flies hatched in my bathroom on day 3 and were most unwelcome roommates for the remainder of my stay - AC could never keep up. 25 outside, set AC to 25 and it runs for 12 hours without ever getting the room down to temp - only 1 restaurant and the leather shop open, all other shops/restaurants are closed despite everything else in the city being open - room service never came into my room. Trash wasn't taken, towels weren't washed, etc This was my second stay at Balmoral but I'll never be back.

  • B C

    B C


    Wifi is unusable. They claim 125mbps on their website, I was getting 8-10 at best, when it worked. I am trying to work remotely and now have to sit at Starbucks all day just to have internet. I would not have booked this hotel if I had known the wifi didn't work.

  • Deborah Powers

    Deborah Powers


    Best place to stay in downtown San Jose... Right on the Central street...price includes cook to order breakfast... A gym... Awesome bed mattresses and clean upgraded stylish rooms for an amazing rate

  • Anna Levi

    Anna Levi


    The hotel room was great, one of the few that offered three beds. Good reception and car parking that is safe. Close to all museums. If you are leaving early, be prepared for breakfast not to start at 7 am when it's supposed to, but at 7:30.

  • Michiel Dros

    Michiel Dros


    Decent hotel in downtown San Jose. Despite the location right in the center the room was very quiet. Very comfortable beds and friendly staff. I just wished there was an entrance that’s always open. At night you have to enter on 7 calle via the “motor lobby” which is locked so you have to ring the little bell. It’s just a bit annoying that you have to wait in the street out there at night till someone opens the door (which sometimes takes a while, as in our case we didn’t have a local phone to call either). Other than that it’s a very nice hotel!

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