Hotel Kekoldi i San José

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Costa RicaHotel Kekoldi


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Avenida 9, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2248 0804
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Latitude: 9.937578, Longitude: -84.075193

kommentar 5

  • Gal Tamir

    Gal Tamir


    Excellent hotel, very familiar, niece service, very clean, no luxury, with a marvelous terrace for breakfast or just to sit there and read. I loved the warm welcome and the service. Rooms are big and have an extra bed. Simple but nice and warm. Definitely I will come back!

  • Mia Müller-Platz

    Mia Müller-Platz


    Friendly staff, clean rooms. Beautiful, albeit small, yard. The breakfeast is continential (so no Gallo Pinto in contrast to most of the rest of Costa Rica) and you can ask for eggs to be prepared to your liking. However, especially during the early morning hours, the buffet was emptied quite quickly and it took some time until refills arrived. When we went to breakfast later in the morning (between 8 and 9) there were a lot less eaters and the experience was more relaxed.

  • Alejandro Figueroa

    Alejandro Figueroa


    Great service and staff. Cozy rooms and location is good as well as price. Would definitely come back. The decor and multiple doors, keys, lockpad situation take away a star.

  • kirollos Gerges

    kirollos Gerges


    The place was in a convenient location in San Jose. It was close to the action and a short walk away to the central boulevard. The only issue was lack of AC. But the breakfast was very nice and it was mostly clean. Good only for a short stay

  • Mike Lowes

    Mike Lowes


    Huge clean rooms. Good showers. Cool old modernist/Art Deco house. Vincent is outstandingly helpful (other staff are good too). He arranged a food delivery after a late arrival from Manuel Antonio (the rains caused a landslide on the highway).

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