Posada Trianon i Costa Rica

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaPosada Trianon



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De La Caja 400 Metros Este al Lado del Teatro la Mascara y 10 Metros Sur Av, 2 Calle 13, san jose, Soledad, San José, Costa Rica, 60111, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2257 0746
internet side: trianonhotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 9.9320883, Longitude: -84.0729363

kommentar 5

  • Mireia Alemany

    Mireia Alemany


    Good quality for price in St Jose. Located in the center, in the theater area and close to the mercado central. Breakfast and dinner options nearby if you don't want to walk long in early or late hours. Aida was very helpful and accommodating with us. We stayed in a double room with a private bathroom, spacious and clean. Its a good trusting base to have in San Jose if you want to move around in daily trips etc

  • Fabián Zúñiga Sáenz

    Fabián Zúñiga Sáenz


    It was good, but it was not great

  • Momentum



    The hotel has a good location next to museums. Aida is super sweet person and will make you feel like at home. I had problem with my luggage as they loose it at the airport but she helped me to managed it.

  • Mj Green

    Mj Green


    The hotel was extremely pleasant safe peaceful with the best Customer service staff was pleasant property and rooms were very clean I highly recommend this hotel for great price and a home away from home feeling

  • John Binando

    John Binando


    Excellent service, breakfast, location and wifi. Clean and safe. There is currently construction during midday hours but we were always out anyway. Nice people and comfortable.

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