Hotel Presidente - San Jose, Costa Rica i San José

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Costa RicaHotel Presidente - San Jose, Costa Rica



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Calle 7, 11801, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +1 877-540-1790
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9332828, Longitude: -84.0754699

kommentar 5

  • Will Hayes

    Will Hayes


    I don't think the hotel necessarily merits a full 4 stars in terms of hotel class given that it is fairly basic, but it is clean and neat. The rooftop bar and restaurant were definitely the highlight with a great place to unwind in the evening and the food was excellent. I would definitely stay here again.

  • Mariana Gonzalez

    Mariana Gonzalez


    Truly enjoyed my stay here! The people were extremely nice and helpful. The room I stayed in was super clean and the next day we had breakfast which was also very delicious.

  • Brian Healy

    Brian Healy


    I enjoyed great hospitality over my two one-night stays at Hotel Presidente. The lobby is stylish and welcoming, the staff friendly and well-trained, and the location can’t be beat. I wish the beds were a little more comfortable, and the bathroom a little better lit. But those are easy upgrades. All in all, this boutique hotel is a great value, and a comfortable place from which to start or begin a visit in magical Costa Rica.

  • Nevardo Cortez Lobo

    Nevardo Cortez Lobo


    Excellent hotel just in the middle of the city. My wife and I went out for the weekend and stayed in of their concept rooms with a big bathtub. Recommend for anniversary and getaway to visit the surrounds

  • Laura Kelly

    Laura Kelly


    A great hotel in the heart of San Jose. Lovely views from the hotels restaurant/bar. A nice urban atmosphere - the plants and open concept of the lobby make you feel like you're not in a city. The rooms are simple but functional with comfy beds. The staff is super friendly and helpful. I'd definitely recommend this hotel for anyone just coming into Costa Rica or staying in San Jose.

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