Hotel Casa León i San José

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Costa RicaHotel Casa León



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Calle 13, 10101, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2221 1651
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9314978, Longitude: -84.0723766

kommentar 5

  • Katherine M

    Katherine M


    Such as the previous review, you get what you pay for. I booked this place not just because it was affordable but because it has great reviews. The woman who runs it is a bit odd. She has a dog that barks a lot and she doesn’t want anyone to pet the dog, even so far as putting signs up. The room I was given on the ground floor had no windows and was extremely noisy due to the dog and the proximity to the kitchen. If I knew this would be my room then I would not have booked it because photos showed a room with windows. The only reason I don’t give it less stars is because the place is cheap and in a convenient location, but I would consider other options first before booking this place.

  • Patrick Kelly

    Patrick Kelly


    You get what you pay for. No tv in the room. I checked out early. This is more a hostel than a hotel. The pictures make it look a lot nicer than it is. I checked out early after a giant cockroach crawled across me before bed. Also, I don’t know if the woman who runs the place takes care of a mentally challenged person, but I was awoken at 6:55AM to high pitched screams, laughter, and gurgling noises. If you’re just looking for a cheap place to stay, then it’s fine I guess. Just wasn’t right for me.

  • Miss Sirrah

    Miss Sirrah


    Walking distance to museums, supermarket & downtown. Next to railway, but on a quiet line. (earplugs for light sleepers). Ask for room with external windows so you don't get the internal room. Use external stairs with luggage as internal isn't safe for climbing fully loaded. Cute but antisocial dog.

  • Costa Rica Immobilien

    Costa Rica Immobilien


    Hotel Casa León, guesthouse and guest house is very centrally located in the cultural part of the city of San José, close to the National, Jade, Gold Museum and other attractions of the capital of Costa Rica. Bus terminals, supermarkets, shopping malls and other shops as well as the pedestrian area can be reached on foot within a short time.

  • Amélie Marion

    Amélie Marion


    Great place. Very well located, 2min walking from the national museum. The owner, Patrick is super nice, we'll give you great advices and will take care of you. The place is also extremely clean.

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