Hotel Talamanca i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaHotel Talamanca



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Avenida segunda calle 8 y 10, Merced, San José, 00506, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2233 5033
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Latitude: 9.933268, Longitude: -84.0831436

kommentar 5

  • Alexander Vasquez

    Alexander Vasquez


    Nice place to stay.

  • Dhiego Salazar Guerrero

    Dhiego Salazar Guerrero


    Downtown San Jose Costa Rica hotel

  • Patrick Tomlinson

    Patrick Tomlinson


    This is a great little hotel, clean, quiet, and the employees are very helpful. There is a good little Tipica restaurant across the street, two blocks from the BCR bank. Just a few blocks from the Mercado Central, tons of little panerias and food shops of all descriptions. Right by the pedestrian only Avenida Central, tons of shops. Lots of little bars, very Costa Rican, not like staying in a tourist hotel. Also a nice, free Tipica breakfast in the mornings. Prices are very reasonable. Get out and see the real San Jose. Very reasonable prices. I would definitely recommend!

  • CAT Costa Rica

    CAT Costa Rica


    They have to provide a better service.

  • R. J. McLaughlin

    R. J. McLaughlin


    Inexpensive, comfortable place to stay. Good service.

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