Hotel Quinta Avenida i San José

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Costa RicaHotel Quinta Avenida



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Coca Cola, San José Province, San José, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2257 3191
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Latitude: 9.9380441, Longitude: -84.0872271

kommentar 5

  • Stan



    This is my favorite hotel in San Jose. The location is perfect. Near all the great markets. Very close to many bus stations and about 15 minutes walk to beautiful Parque Sabana. $20 for a big double comfortable bed, fan and blazing hot water 24/7. And I really like the built in shelves for my clothes. Everyone one was super friendly and professional.

  • OVI



    This place is very nice, and have really good service and front desk was really friendly...I strongly recommend this place

  • Jan Göpel

    Jan Göpel


    Great price gain relation. Has everything you need and is quite central. Great for your few-day-tour or on through travel. And even if you want to stay longer.

  • Michael Rodriguez

    Michael Rodriguez


    It's simple and very basic, enough if you wanna sleep like normal person, it's not fancy but they have all escencial necessary for sleeping. Be careful, it's very noisy after 6:30 am. In general, it's fine.

  • Andrew Delos Reyes

    Andrew Delos Reyes


    The place is not spectacular, but it was affordable, bug-free and comfortable. The people working the front desk were very friendly and helpful, so we felt well taken care of. The people at breakfast are fun to talk to and also very friendly. The only negatives about the place are the noise you can hear at night from outside from cars and honking, and parking I would imagine is not very easy if the place is crowded. We had to leave our rental car on the street out front, and in the morning there was a small dent on the back of the car. We also noticed that night that a small group of guys had congregated outside right behind the car and were leaning on it. Not really the hotel's fault, but definitely something to note about the surrounding area. Overall, we had a good experience, though.

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