Hotel Milán i San José

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Costa RicaHotel Milán



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Calle 20 con Avenida 7, esquina San José, Barrio México, San José, 10102, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2221 0925
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9389114, Longitude: -84.087043

kommentar 5

  • john gotowala

    john gotowala


    Its a nice hotel. Staff is helpful. It is clean safe. Has a bar and resturant. Not too far from the market areas. Only thing is limited English skills but they do all they can to help. Shuttle to and from airport is expensive.

  • Magda Stein

    Magda Stein


    An absolute recommendation! When I'm in San José, I always sleep in this B&B. The staff is very friendly, the rooms are well-appointed and the breakfast completes the stay. I am vegan and appreciate it very much when hotels take this into account. Suitable for all digital nomads, the wifi is fast, there is a nice lounge area as well as coffee. In addition, the central location is beneficial, you can reach everything easily. As for parking, you have the possibility to park your car guarded and free of charge in front of the hotel, the reception is open 24/7 and keeps an eye on everything. The price-performance ratio is great.

  • Harold Chambers

    Harold Chambers


    The staff was fantastic and very helpful . I love the art deco style layout. The rooms are small but I can live with that...very close to downtown shopping.

  • Erwin van Deutekom

    Erwin van Deutekom


    Great service, friendly people that will help you no matter what. The breakfast is really nice. It's close to the city centre but in a bit of a shady neighborhood. So don't go out at night. Price is good as well :D

  • David Payne

    David Payne


    Great place to stay. Super clean, friendly staff. Very convenient to the bus station we needed to go to.

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