Hostel del Paseo i San José

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Costa RicaHostel del Paseo



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Enfrente de, Edificio naranja con gris, Torres Paseo Colón, San Bosco, San José, 10102, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 4020 1212
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9349597, Longitude: -84.0910793

kommentar 5

  • Gregory Keppel

    Gregory Keppel


    I came to Costa Rica for cosmetic surgery and the Hostel del Paseo has been perfect for me. I have a private air-conditioned room and the bed is very comfortable. I love the view of the street from the 4th floor. There is a grocery store across the street and plenty of restaurants and fast food within easy walking distance. There is a big park nearby also. They gave me a great weekly rate on the room. I will be returning for more surgery and I will definitely stay here again!

  • Matt B

    Matt B


    Good price on a room, nice room upstairs for activities and great service at the front desk.

  • Quincy Reid

    Quincy Reid


    Centrally located, very friendly people, very helpful..

  • francisco osorio

    francisco osorio


    It is what it sells, I stayed in a 8 bed room for 11 dolars. Bathroom was clean, breakfast included coffee, bread and honey and cereal. Not the best but quite cheap. Rooms without conditioner are really hot. Lunch was great

  • Melissa Mifsud

    Melissa Mifsud


    I was quite weary from travelling all day and wasn't even close to being done. I had a 20 hour long haul bus leaving in 3 hours when I went into Hostel del Paseo. The GM heard my story and immediately said if I wanted to just go up and hang out on the couches, charge my phone, and organize myself then I was welcome to! I was totally shocked. In a place where everyone is looking to squeeze every penny they can from you it was so refreshing to receive genuine generosity. And the place is beautiful, you'll enjoy your stay here surely!

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