Hotel Grano De Oro i San José

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Costa RicaHotel Grano De Oro



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Calle 30, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2255 3322
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9336111, Longitude: -84.0930556

kommentar 5

  • Michael Chambas

    Michael Chambas


    Awesome food, great service. One of my best experiences in Costa Rica. The courtyard is also a great setting to have dinner. Loved every minute of the experience.

  • Lilliana Rodriguez

    Lilliana Rodriguez


    No words can describe this amazing hotel and restaurant. It is a unique experience . The food is delicious and the service impecable.

  • Casey Conners

    Casey Conners


    everything about this place is great. The staff is very accommodating. There is a major exception however. They refuse the customer to allow any guests whatsoever. Other upscale hotels in the area have the customer supply a list of guests you would like to have, and require them to provide ID in the event they arrive. Absolutely no where in the terms and conditions during the online booking process does it state this. There is a small section stating unregistered guests can be removed from the premises under certain circumstances due to behavior, this implies that you can register guests with the hotel. With a non-refundable cancellation policy it comes to a big surprise to find this out when spending $230 or more per night. I stay in San Jose very frequently and have a lot of friends and family who I like to treat when I am in San Jose. It is a major disappointment and the only thing preventing me from booking this hotel every time I come. I am now having to book a separate place to entertain friends and family in the area.

  • Dan Mart

    Dan Mart


    Beautiful hotel----nice and bright. Gorgeous dining area. Courteous staff. Excellent menu items. Extra clean. I recommend it.

  • Willy Driessen

    Willy Driessen


    Although the food was good, the portions are far too small... I am a very, very small eater, weight 65 kg, but I left hungry.... as said food and service were very good, but I wouldn't go back because of the small portions

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