Hotel Casa Colon i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaHotel Casa Colon



🕗 åbningstider

Calle 24, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2256 0276
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 9.9352778, Longitude: -84.09

kommentar 5

  • Winston Castillo

    Winston Castillo


    BAD EXPERIENCE, I paid for a private room for 1 night and there was no hot water. Also, they state that there is a 24 hour recepcionist available and they close their doors at 9:00pm, I was out and worried to get rob since no one answer the door and their phone numbers were off. After almost an hour of knocking on the door someone got me in and they had a really bad attitude.

  • Beckett Prado

    Beckett Prado


    A very 0keasant experience... I wish I ate the hamburger!

  • curtis ziegler

    curtis ziegler


    Reception y ella cosinar buen gente.the young owner is rude. My Rolex is missing .what a immature business owner

  • Ilanit Mank

    Ilanit Mank


    Amazing hostel! Feel like home, great food and cheap. The local people very nice and friendly!! I love this place!!

  • Wilmer Reimer

    Wilmer Reimer


    A high quality Hostel to stay at and a very good location. It was a place well designed and also very clean. It has a bar and restaurant on site that are both open late every day which is very important. Best of all the staff are extremely friendly and helpful and really make you feel welcome and at home from the first minute. Can't wait to go back to meet the friendly staff again that are now my friends

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