Hotel Grano De Oro i San José

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Costa RicaHotel Grano De Oro



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Avenida 2, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2255 3322
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.933605, Longitude: -84.093036

kommentar 5

  • Andrés Bolaños Herce

    Andrés Bolaños Herce


    After years of great service, my last visit was very shameful. Food ok, but really expensive and small portions. Service, awful

  • Brent Litchfield

    Brent Litchfield


    The hotel and room was beautiful. Extremely lovely and all of the staff were very courteous and helpful. We also dined in their lovely dining room and had a fantastic dinner. Thanks so much!

  • en

    at landry


    A wonderful surprise on our first night in Costa Rica to enjoy such an elegant and comfortable setting. We were so impressed. Everything was as the reviews stated and the staff was incredibly professional and helpful. Gourmet dining experience at dinner and breakfast, and again, incredibly elegant. Fresh was just the perfect introduction to Costa Rica. Highly recommend a night or two here! Not just an airport hotel!

  • en

    Terrence Stagniton


    we had dinner here last night. this place was amazing. the ambiance was very cozy and soothing. the staff was super friendly to us and offered us their suggestions on what we could eat for value for our money. the restaurant was very clean. the food was delicious.we ordered something extra that wasn't on the menu and the chef was happy to make it for us.

  • Michelle Mellish

    Michelle Mellish


    Beautiful hotel in immaculate condition and spotlessly clean. The room had its own mini garden and waterfall with chairs outside to relax and read a book. The bar and breakfast area are in an open air courtyard and the food is incredible. The staff couldn’t have been nicer. It’s about a 15 min walk to down town SJ.

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