Hostel Casa del Parque i San José

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Costa RicaHostel Casa del Parque



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San José Province, San José, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2233 3437
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Latitude: 9.934485, Longitude: -84.069679

kommentar 5

  • Luke Elliott

    Luke Elliott


    Cheap beds and nice big old building. Full kitchen and movie room dvd collection. The beds are a noisy and old, some you can feel springs, but worth the price.

  • Connor Mitchell-Zaphod Johnston

    Connor Mitchell-Zaphod Johnston


    Great location and had a very "this-is-just-someone's-fancy-artsy-house" vibe. Just be prepared to be actively hassled for not cleaning IMMEDIATELY. I had chopped up some fruit for a smoothie and while blending was urged by the cleaner to throw away the compost I had created. I was just about to when I was done blending, danggit! He seemed to be deep-cleaning while everyone was up and getting ready and making food, which seemed to cause a bit of tension. Maybe wait until after check-out time? Other than that, I really liked my stay here and I'd do it again. Hood price!

  • Julius Kellinghusen

    Julius Kellinghusen


    The location and feel of the hostel are great. It's an old building with lots of charm, located adjacent to the Parque Nacional, which had an amazing arts festival during our stay. The dorm is one large room with single beds, it's not very private but plenty comfortable. The only negative part of my experience was that the hot shower was very temperamental, and the bath tap was spraying my feet with ice cold water the whole time. The private rooms are beautiful, some with their own private mini garden. The shower here was better than the dorms, but still not that great, unfortunately (also had cold-feet-water). Both the bed- and the ensuite bathroom were huge and luxuries though. The kitchen facilities are great for simple meals and there are many lovely spaces, inside and out, for eating, playing games, and hanging out. There is also a wonderful and beautiful cat named Claire that roams the hostel.

  • Leticia Lso

    Leticia Lso


    I put one star because no star is not possible. I took a single room for 2 persons for 2 nights. Price $50 USD per night, which is as expensive as a 4 stars hotel in San Jose. The room is dirty, there's no hot water, some glasses are lacking in the window which guarantees to be awaken by the noises of the street at 4AM and tho have cold during the hold night.. The hostel is next to the train station, a real catastrophe. When I wanted to leave the hostel I was told that they would keep the money for the night as I had a reservation. Great place to be a HOSTAGE!

  • Nat Pretz

    Nat Pretz


    Beautiful and welcoming hostel. The staff were so friendly and made us feel at home from the moment we walked in. Lots of communal areas to sit and relax, including a TV room with a huge selection of films. Free tea and coffee and a great kitchen to use. There's also a great outdoor courtyard to sit and relax in. Dorms were all beds (not bunk beds) which we really appreciated with good comfy mattresses and pillows. Would definitely stay here again and really recommend!

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