Wild Rider | 4x4 Car & Bike Rental | Motorcycle Tours i San José

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Costa RicaWild Rider | 4x4 Car & Bike Rental | Motorcycle Tours



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Diagonal 16, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2258 4604
internet side: www.wild-rider.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 9.9287024, Longitude: -84.0949681

kommentar 5

  • Vaughn Colasanti

    Vaughn Colasanti


    Have rented cars twice from Wild Ryder, great service and price. Good all around experience.

  • Grace Libby

    Grace Libby


    This was my first time ever renting a vehicle, and the guys at Wild Rider were amazing - so friendly and helpful - they even helped us plan some of our days. We rented a Jimny Sizuki, and with 2 people, each with a sizeable luggage, it was perfect and super fun to drive. If I am lucky enough to return to Costa Rica at some point, I am definitely renting my car here again.

  • Henrik Bours

    Henrik Bours


    Wild Rider was the best car rental we could have chosen for our Costa Rica trip. 100% reliable, 100% transparent, with a very good price-performance ratio. Thorsten replied always almost immediately and gave us the information we needed. When we arrived at the shop, he also gave us valuable recommendations that helped planning our trip. The car was not the newest (which we knew), but had all we need (4 wheel, line in for own music, a/c). He gave us a very detailed introduction to the car (including smaller scratches and bumps, so that we'll not be charged for that later on), stayed in contact with us during the trip, and always stood by the agreements made. I can only recommend this company, everything went extremely smoothly.

  • Miriam Camacho

    Miriam Camacho


    This is my review WITHOUT actually getting through the part of getting the car and experiencing the rental process. I'm extremely impressed with the service I have received during the registration process. All details are laid out. No surprises. Quick responses and Thorsten has replied to all my emails in a timely fashion. I have never used this company before, I've used other mainstream popular ones and my significant other and I are so happy to rent from a local place. I will review again once I experience the part of getting the car and the rental period. Thus far I'm happy and pretty confident it will remain that way. Extra thumbs up for having motorcycles for rent! Next time :)

  • Laura B

    Laura B


    If you need to rent a car in Costa Rica, go with these guys!! They were incredible!! Amazing customer service, trust-worthy rentals, clean and well kept vehicle, and up-front about all costs (no hidden costs)! Eduardo was amazing and gave us great advice upon arrival and full rundown of vehicle, insurance, etc! Really great service!! Really wonderful way to arrive!

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