Solid Rent-A-Car i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaSolid Rent-A-Car



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Paseo Colón, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2255 2000
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Latitude: 9.9351089, Longitude: -84.0913456

kommentar 5

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    We rented a car in San Jose. Stuff said, we cant get full protection for 3 days, its available only for 5 days or more - we said ok, give us basic protection. Dont do it! You are responsible for all damages up to 1300USD. Second day, we visited Carrara Nation Park and on the second parking lot (not secured one), some "good people" tried to rob our car. They damaged the trunk lock (with screwdriver etc..), unable to be opened by key anymore. After return to SCC in San Jose, the VERY FIRST THING (we didnt even say that), the stuff went to check the trunk lock and said its damaged. How the f*** did he know that? He exactly did! Of course, we had to pay change of all locks on the car for 140 USD. They didnt even check the rest of the car. We really suspect them to "hire" people to damage their cars so they can charge you for it. Good bussiness bros! Real robber would break the window and open the trunk by lever next to the seat - easy as that.

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    Roger Daly


    Place is too small and the way they give you the gas in the vehicle is absurd 3/8 quarters? But the rest it was alright

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    Bradley Flowers


    The absolute worst customer service experience I’ve ever had. I don’t leave negative reviews and don’t take them lightly. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE avoid this company at all costs. The rudest most combative staff I have ever dealt with. Mean, arrogant, condescending and harassing. You would be better off walking.

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    Judith Wyo


    Brought the car directly to us. Car ran well. Will use their service again.

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    Hannah Farrow


    About 99% sure that THEY STOLE both my and my boyfriend's CREDIT CARD information. They swiped my card to charge us for the car but it was denied because I didn't call my bank before entering Costa Rica. Then my boyfriend swiped his card and it went through. Both of our cards after those transactions had fraudulent charges. It was the only place we used our cards while in Costa Rica. DON'T USE THEM. THEY ARE THIEFS.

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