Kosher Hotel Las Orquideas i Jaco

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Costa RicaKosher Hotel Las Orquideas



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150 mts. East From Pops Playa Jaco, Puntarenas Province, Jaco, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2643 4056
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Latitude: 9.6152607, Longitude: -84.626571

kommentar 5

  • howard rosenthal

    howard rosenthal


    Great experience staying here, nice room, Nice new kitchen, cabel TV with many English channels, fridge, coffee maker, comfy bed and very nice pool plus parking. Sabra restaurant next door has amazing and tasty food ad well.

  • Amir Halfon

    Amir Halfon


    Wonderful place, big rooms and very clean. Highly recommended!

  • Michael Mosesson

    Michael Mosesson


    Disgusting rooms: ants, broken windows blinds which don't close, fridge isn't working, AC can't keep up, sheets don't appear washed. There also isn't hot water with which to shower and some outlets just don't seem connected. The safe is stuck in the open position and Management refuse a refund. Other than that, nice people.

  • Kathia Hagage

    Kathia Hagage


    My husband and I spent a very pleasure weekend, the room was very clean and beautiful. It is close to the center shops and restaurants, also the beach. I recommend the place also for families with the kids. The restaurant has a mediterranean cosine, delicious. If you want learn to surf, they have good instructors.

  • yonit pilosof

    yonit pilosof


    Excellent hotel!!! Everyone at this hotel is fantastically friendly and helpful. Variety lovely clean rooms to choose from with patios and hammocks. great Community pool with tropical poolside area. grounds around the pool always well kept. Located few steps from The Beach, And Perfectly located near supermarkets, banks, bars..etc. You can walk everywhere!! There is a very cute bikini and clothing store inside the hotel all handmade in Costa Rica. Also a great restaurant and the only kosher one in town. You can book all excursions and tours directly from the hotel with the great price ever. Don't miss the surf lessons ,they are very professional and super fun. Izu and Tony will go out of their way helping you with whatever you need to have a perfect vacation. Highly recommended!!!!!!!

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