MG Costa Rica i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaMG Costa Rica



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Transversal 16, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 4032 9000
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9452751, Longitude: -84.0880814

kommentar 5

  • Jorge Suarez

    Jorge Suarez


    My daughter, with all her effort and work, bought one of these vehicles. It was delivered to him on the Thursday of the ancestor, zero kilometers. He couldn't use it on Friday or Saturday because of the restriction; He used it on Sunday and on Monday, on Tuesday it started to give him problems. First, the display and rear sensors stop working, then the air conditioning. The biggest problem is that the agency does not want to fix the problem for you. They just say that it is very rare. Well, it is rare that a new car does not work well and that the agency does not want to be responsible.

  • Javier Arroyo

    Javier Arroyo


    The attention of Mr. Hansell Espinoza from the beginning was very good, the follow-up to receive my vehicle, the purchase and delivery process was excellent. The seller focuses on the details and thus guarantees excellent service.

  • William Segura

    William Segura


    Visiting a family member, analyzing new vehicle purchase options at this agency. Good treatment from the selling agent, several possibilities to choose from.

  • Dennis Javier Bujan Gonzalez

    Dennis Javier Bujan Gonzalez


    Great service and great cars. The prices are competitive for the garage area. And they have several models of vehicled and Triumph Motorcycles.

  • Srdjan Millin

    Srdjan Millin


    Nice place good service and some nice cars to see

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