Casino Club Colonial i San José

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Costa RicaCasino Club Colonial



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Calle 11, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2258 2807
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9346523, Longitude: -84.0741692

kommentar 5

  • THogue7464



    Not Las Vegas. No free alcohol. Table games okay. Skip the machines.

  • Airbrush Mike Art Garage

    Airbrush Mike Art Garage


    If your looking for an honest game of pigow , idk If I spelled that right, go here. It's like poker with a twist and better odds of winning. Have someone explain it to you. You will want to play once you learn more. If you are gambling they actually bring a tray of ordurves over to you. Sometimes the waitress is a lil slow with the drinks but all n all it Is a fun place to go!!!

  • Alexa Andre

    Alexa Andre


    The inside of this place is pretty OK, it is big and spacious but a little dirty It is also the only Casino in San Jose to offer the game craps, so that's a plus. On the other hand, it is situated in a pretty sketchy area, very unsafe so that is a big turn off for me.

  • RZ Traveler

    RZ Traveler


    Nice casino frequented by both regular locals and tourists. Table games on the lower level with more gaming machines upstairs. Has a 24 hour restaurant and bar. Free buffet on weekends for people actively playing. Not everyone speaks English.

  • John LaBorde

    John LaBorde


    Worst casino experience ever. Poor odds on craps. Dealer said I couldn't throw the dice the way I was throwing them (rules have always said hit the back wall as I have done in literally 50 casinos). They didn't like that I hit several points in a row. Very rude staff. Very expensive resturaunt. Save your money.

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