KC Hotel San José i San José

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Costa RicaKC Hotel San José



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Calle Morenos, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2519 4100
internet side: www.kcsanjose.com
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Latitude: 9.9298981, Longitude: -84.1035658

kommentar 5

  • en

    Danny Blakely


    Nice for the price. Very good food. Clean rooms. Friendly staff. Nice pool. Next to a veterinarian, so expect barking dogs at night.

  • Jose Melendez

    Jose Melendez


    In terms of food I was expecting a little more, nice people, good service, average quality facilities.

  • Marcia Rogat

    Marcia Rogat


    A wonderful Oasis in San Jose. Helpful staff, elegant room with comfortable king bed. Glad we landed there totally by accident

  • Joel Henderson

    Joel Henderson


    Filthy and the positive comments are misleading. Cons First of all, the rooms and beds aren’t clean. The bed sheets don’t fit the beds (see photo) all of the towels and sheets are stained and don’t smell great. The room floors weren’t clean either. There was stains dripping down the walls from the BROKEN A/C unit over the bed. The worst thing is there’s a pet hotel next door (see photo) and the dogs are left outside all night and BARK AND BARK AND BARK AND BARK... you get it. The up side is they have a great free breakfast and a nice pool to lounge and do some work by. That’s about it.

  • M Moore

    M Moore


    Cute boutique hotel. No fuss, clean and inexpensive. Perfect for a night out and close to the highway that takes you to the airport. The shower could be cleaner tho.

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