Hospital San Juan de Dios i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaHospital San Juan de Dios



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Paseo Colón, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2547 8000
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Latitude: 9.9339098, Longitude: -84.0856798

kommentar 5

  • Le-Anne Perry

    Le-Anne Perry


    I had the most amazing doctor and intern take care of me at the ER. Thank you so much Dr. Lamas for helping me and making my traumatic experience a painless one. Be blessed always.

  • Damian Edward Bridges

    Damian Edward Bridges


    If you are a tourist in San Jose ONLY go to this hospital. Excellent emergency services. Government hospital, you pay nothing. Private hospitals like Cima or Clinica Biblica will make you pay BEFORE they will give you significant medical attention. I had a tourist client die from a heart attack because he insisted on going to hospital Cima instead of San Jian de Dios. He needed a stent but hospital Cima would not treat him until he made a $5,000 deposit. My client's credit card was insuficient. So they tried to send him to San Juan, but he did not make it.

  • Chav JDS

    Chav JDS


    Emergency services is good but for appointments is the worse

  • Michele Pence

    Michele Pence


    For 2 weeks my father has been treated for a DVT. I am a cardiac nurse from the US. I became concerned when my father was readmitted to the hospital 4 days ago because his leg was worse after the initial treatment of Coumadin and lovenox. (My father is 80. He is very athletic and vegan. He has never been on any medications and recently had a perfect check-up) In the US when a patient fails typical treatment for DVT an IVC filter is placed which is a common surgery and can be done within 24 hrs of making that decision. So needless to say I grew concerned when my father was in this hospital for 4 days waiting for this filter. All the while his leg is becoming worse. When I arrived at the hospital I was surprised that his leg was not elevated, he was ambulatory, in spite of the pain and his foot pulses had NEVER been checked. I checked them and found him to have only a faint pulse in one area of the foot. The nursing staff completely ignored me and acted bothered. When I asked about his INR, the nurse would not tell me or him, THE PATIENT. This is insane, it's my fathers INR. They said we would have to wait and call a special number in the morning to get permission to receive that info. The INR is the lab value that tells whether your blood is to thin/thick enough for surgery. In the US this is checked daily in the hospital and a patient can be given Vitamin K to thicken the blood for surgery, which is also done routinely. This is done to expedite surgery in cases where a patient's status could deteriorate quickly, such as in my dad's case. There are so many more problems with his care in this hospital, too many to mention here. I understand now why socialized medicine is so bad. Wow, healthyy people die waiting for care. Trust me, if I could get him out of there I would. He has duel citizenship and in the states could have been treated a improved already. Unfortunately, because of his DVT it is too dangerous to fly. I am really afraid this hospital is going to kill my dad. Not sure what to do....

  • Drama TV

    Drama TV


    Excellent, efficient, effective ER care with English-speaking doctors and nurse who were very 'present' in the pressure-packed ER setting and very caring and genuinely concerned!

nærmeste Hospital

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