Hospital Metropolitano i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaHospital Metropolitano



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10103 San José, Merced, San José, 10103, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2521 9595
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9312385, Longitude: -84.0851952

kommentar 5

  • Hannah Masila

    Hannah Masila


    They claim to be 24hrs but actually operate between 7am and 10pm. They don't answer their phone when you call.

  • Joannie Parker

    Joannie Parker


    Aunt was helivac from guanacaste This hospital and all their staff were on point and received top notch care and service Gracias a todos!

  • Cathy Eldred

    Cathy Eldred


    I had had to have two surgeries since moving to CR. I can’t say enough about the treatment and professional care I received. I also do all my other medical care through them.

  • kelli hedding

    kelli hedding


    The staff were super friendly and helpful.

  • ann henry

    ann henry


    Make sure you get a pre-supuesto of charges in writing in advance. One doctor there voluntarily provided one. The second doctor did everything imaginable to avoid providing one and added all kinds of treatments we knew were not necessary (having come from previous doctors) and had not agreed to. This one Doctor also overcharged fees that you will want to compare to other clinics and dispute. The director refuse to budge on the bill nor allow partial payment (due to the blind-side) When the bill comes back three times too high, they won't accept partial payments and then refuse treatment. (Medical care should not involve lots of diagnoses.. when a person in critical condition needs treatment. They don't provide viable options other than their own hospitals 8 hours away in San Jose. Most other clinics in Costa rica are good about offering treatment versus diagnostics. And in telling you of other alternatives close to home that may not be inside their network. Unprofessional, and money centered establishment.

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