Clinica Biblica Hospital i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaClinica Biblica Hospital



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Avenida 14, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2522 1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9278328, Longitude: -84.0787312

kommentar 5

  • Max Braun

    Max Braun


    I just went there for a traveller Covid antigen test and everything was perfectly organized and went smoothly. The tests are taken in the car park on the other side of the main building, on the 6th floor. You can book an appointment on their website for less waiting time. They also offer drive-through-tests. I just went there without an appointment, waited approx. 30 minutes, filled out an form, paid 30.000CRC via credit card and then the test was professionally done. The result was sent to me via email within 2 hours. If you want it also in english you just have to write them an email. Definitely can recommend the institution it looks like they are very well organized and structured!

  • Pia Steidl

    Pia Steidl


    I was here for a Covid PCR Test for travelling. The Website is a little confusing, but I finally managed to book an appointment online and everything went very smooth afterwards. Well organized, had the result in less than 24h, first only in Spanish, but after one e-mail in English as well. Would recommend.

  • Debbie Heck

    Debbie Heck


    Most up-to-date hospital ever!!.The nurses, doctors, and others are all knowledgeable and professional, and kind-hearted.

  • Paige S

    Paige S


    This place is great! I don’t understand why there are so many bad reviews. Took an Uber, walked in and someone directed me across the street to the 6th floor of the parking garage. Not a single other person was there on a Sunday at 5. I did not have a reservation. They took my info, took my payment of 34mil, tested me, and I was done. The whole process took less than 30 minutes and everyone was super nice!! I will definitely be doing this the next time I have to.

  • Nick Martin

    Nick Martin


    Scheduled a covid test over phone to be able to fly, got appointment notification over email. got there and they said they couldn’t do it. No email update, no call. Hospital employee kept saying it wasn’t her fault but communication was totally unprofessional and absent.

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