Gastro Bar i San José

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Costa RicaGastro Bar


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Mantica, San José Province, San José, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2547 2325
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9362897, Longitude: -84.096324

kommentar 5

  • Caitlyn Hughes

    Caitlyn Hughes


    Terrible service, bland food. We had to ask for water three times, food took over 30 minutes to be served (there were 3 other tables in the place and the servers were on their phones or talking amongst themselves most of the time). We ordered the cassada and since one of us is vegetarian we asked for falafel to be substituted for the meat. It was an additional charge but they only provided 2 small falafels, which is significantly smaller than the portion of meat it replaced. We ordered cocktails during happy hour (advertised as 2 for 1) but they tried to charge us for both on the check. They claimed it was per person but never stated that in the advertisement or when we asked about the deal. We stayed at the hotel and the complimentary breakfast was tasty and the service was less frustrating but we would never pay for a meal here again.

  • Ana Lucía Durán

    Ana Lucía Durán


    The food is delicious, you have to go with a good appetite and I recommend you try the bread that you have available. Price is close to 7 thousand colones in all you can eat version

  • Keila S.

    Keila S.


    It is close and cozy to dine in company. The food is good but it was served cold. They could improve the time to serve because despite having reserved and being empty, they still took a long time to serve the entrance. The personnel is very friendly.

  • Carlos Conejo Salas

    Carlos Conejo Salas


    Very good atmosphere.

  • Terrence Stagniton

    Terrence Stagniton


    We dined here during our short stay in San Jose and chose it due to previous good reviews and it's close location to our hotel (Crowne Plaza Coribici). It was a 5-10 minute walk away and is situated within the Tryp Hotel. The food was delicious and the setting modern and trendy. There have been some mixed reviews, but we only saw the positive side. Despite it being a Friday, it was not busy during the evening. The menu was varied and included meat and fish options. Very well presented and good portion sizes. Would definitely recommend..

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