Belle Lounge Gallery i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaBelle Lounge Gallery



🕗 åbningstider

San Francisco, San José Province, San José, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 8303 7171
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 9.9354426, Longitude: -84.0954592

kommentar 5

  • Eduardo Palacios

    Eduardo Palacios


    This place is closed

  • Laura Cordoba

    Laura Cordoba


    Love it!

  • Johan Schaeffer

    Johan Schaeffer


    Great club with a college crowd

  • Gerardo Fallas

    Gerardo Fallas


    El bartender botó una compa en la pierna de mi amiga y le causó una cortadura grave que tuvieron que coserle. El dueño del lugar dijo que era un bar, y que no iban a tener curas ni nada similar. Tuve que pagar 3000 colones por un shot de Cacique (casi alcohol puro) para limpiar la herida, porque ni eso quisieron regalar. No pude demandarlos porque mi amiga fue la afectada y no quiso seguir perdiendo el tiempo con ellos. En fin, una experiencia horrible en la "fiesta" de Halloween del 2015. / The bartender dropped a cup on my friend's leg and made a deep cut in her shin that had to get some stitches. The owner of the place claimed the place was just a bar, and that they (of course) didn't have band-aids or anything similar. I even had to pay 3000 colones for a shot of Cacique (almost pure alcohol) to clean the cut, because they didn't even gave us that for free. I couldn't go further to sue them because it was my friend the victim and she just didn't want to waste more of her time with them. Anyway, the whole experience was awful and it was in the 2015 Halloween "party".

  • Joedian R

    Joedian R


    Good music

nærmeste Bar

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