Castro's Discotheque i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaCastro's Discotheque



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11a, Calle 20, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2256 8789
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Latitude: 9.9415675, Longitude: -84.0878206

kommentar 5

  • Nick Wheeler

    Nick Wheeler


    Never been to Castrol, but the Chifrijo across the street is great.

  • William Cobb

    William Cobb


    Went on a Sunday and Wednesday night. Both nights my wife and I were the only 2 there. Drinks were delicious, food was okay. They have one pool table. Wednesday night they couldn't do mix drinks until after 9 due to not having a bartender.

  • arshia kamali

    arshia kamali


    Went on a Tuesday night. Bartender told us they have music event Friday and Saturday nights. On Tuesday we played some pool and fuzball and did some karaoke! Very fun and memorable night. Would definitely recommend for a night event.

  • Shaun Hancock

    Shaun Hancock


    As Americans visiting San Jose, we were looking for a place to dance. This was not the club atmosphere we were looking for; salsa and merengue were a learning curve for us, but the other patron were accepting and courteous. It was a nice last night of our vacation.

  • Isabel Hon

    Isabel Hon


    It was the only place open on Christmas Eve. There was no disco but the karaoke was alive and well..pretty crowded with people who loved to can tell they practice quite a bit. Many of us stood up and danced to the karaoke music. Drinks were decent. My girlfriend and I ordered 2 bears and paid $ Highly recommended.

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