Universidad Tecnológica i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaUniversidad Tecnológica



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Av. Central 50m E, 25m N de Librería Universal. SJ, CR., Calle 1, El Carmen, San José, 10104, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2223 1124
internet side: www.utc.ac.cr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 9.9341427, Longitude: -84.0783291

kommentar 5

  • Kenneth Monge

    Kenneth Monge


    The administrative part is not very agile, the facilities are not the best, but it is cheap.

  • Andres Alvarez Diaz

    Andres Alvarez Diaz


    My experience at this university has been very good for the following qualified teachers to teach the subjects, the administrative staff is willing to collaborate with the student, the prices are very comfortable, the discounts granted in the agreements are very good, the hours of Classes are very good and it is also one of the few universities that has a headquarters in the canton of Desamparados, therefore highly recommended

  • Fa M

    Fa M


    I studied a year in a "prestigious" U and one of the best known, however, I always felt in an environment where the teachers felt more and any question was "obvious", even some students made others feel that they were top! It was a social pressure that I didn't learn much. So I decided to change to UTC and some people told me that it was a mistake but the truth is I am very happy with my change, here the teachers really adhere to the rules and protocols and strive to teach as they should, they are going at a good pace and they are qualified to give the material they give, also the atmosphere is very good! The prices of the materials are quite affordable, 2 hours per class (most) and free registration for the first entry, validations are also free. The only thing that would improve would be the bathrooms that are super small and some areas that need remodeling ...

  • Frank Luna

    Frank Luna


    Excellent U, they are concerned about keeping the careers up-to-date, the teacher evaluation is a fundamental factor for the University, since it is one of the channels from which they are fed back to improve each day. The changes are for improvement and are evident. Good for them.

  • Familia Campos Diaz

    Familia Campos Diaz


    Recommended, perhaps it is not a U like the Latina, UH or Fidelitas, but it is an excellent option, accessible, good teachers, and very important, great atmosphere ... from what I understand they are in the accreditation process before the SINAES

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