Boston College i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaBoston College


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Merced, San José Province, San José, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2547 7300
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Latitude: 9.9336114, Longitude: -84.0800562

kommentar 5

  • Alberto Mejia

    Alberto Mejia


    I study English here ... and it is an excellent academy!

  • Bayardo Antonio Hernandez Solis

    Bayardo Antonio Hernandez Solis


    I do not recommend this university, my wife studied there, and it is the date and still The charges keep coming, if you want to leave. According to them you have to keep paying

  • kev Chav

    kev Chav


    It is a robbery since October and in February the classes never started, they lose documents, they do not return the money to start with them if they call you super interested and when you pay they block you from social networks so that they do not comment they delete comments. If you really want to get ahead, don't ever mess with these people, you're going to waste your time, they're useless

  • Steffana Fajardo Rueda

    Steffana Fajardo Rueda


    Almost a month ago I "enrolled" a subject, and this is the date on which neither the electronic invoice nor the links to enter the classes have reached me. That everything is missing !! To offer the services they call him 20 thousand times a day ... They even locate him by mail ... But now they all shine in their absence.

  • Hellen Ulloa Castro

    Hellen Ulloa Castro


    I can only tell the students of that place to be very careful, to keep proof of payment, 4 years ago I paid a debt that I had with them and today October 24, 2020 they are calling me from a company called "legal department" to collect again and to tell me that the blocking of my accounts is in process, and thank God that I have the letter where I canceled said debt, I think it is a great lack of respect, seriousness, on the part of that institute to people, that is how they surely do with Many people charge one payment and years later they collect the debt again, thinking that the student does not have proof of cancellation.

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