Teatro Popular Melico Salazar i San José

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Costa RicaTeatro Popular Melico Salazar


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Calle Central Alfredo Volio, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2295 6000
internet side: www.teatromelico.go.cr
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Latitude: 9.9335199, Longitude: -84.0794185

kommentar 5

  • Sabine Hein

    Sabine Hein


    We saw a Russian Ballett Performance Herr. It is a modern theater that still gives you the feel of an old place where operas would be performed. One of its kind to find in Costa Rica.

  • Marconey Ugalde

    Marconey Ugalde


    Loved it, very classical looks and great acoustics, the resident band is just awesome! It's the national philharmonic orchestra, we saw them at the Queen tribute. Bathrooms are a little underwhelming but hey this building was built really long ago, I think remodeling the bathrooms could compromise the structure so I'm fine with them as they are.

  • Alexander Avila Moreira

    Alexander Avila Moreira


    Attended the Filarmonica of Costa Rica concert interpreting Iron Maiden songs and was not disappointed. We had seats in row H and they were great. I don't think there is a bad seat in the place. The ushers were very accommodating to handicapped persons.

  • Fabián Hernández

    Fabián Hernández


    Very well known in CR, despite the fact of being a very old building, the place is easy to access, seats are comfortable, great sound, there was no A/C though, so it was very warm. It has no parking lot, so it's recommended to arrive in Uber or taxi, there are some parking lots around (3 blocks away) however the area doesn't feel safe to walk late at night, our function ended at 9pm and there were cops every 2 blocks, although I'm not sure if it was because of Easter, and there were some suspicious people walking around, if you choose to do so, be pending of your belongings at all times.

  • Ricardo Vargas Villalta

    Ricardo Vargas Villalta


    State of the art architecture. The second most known theater in the country. Last time I visited it was for Don Giovanni the opera and it was awesome. The chairs could use and improvement. But it's a very nice place to watch a play. Definitely recommended for those who are into art.

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