Premier Dental Care Center i Jacó

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaPremier Dental Care Center



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Calle Lapa Verde, Jacó, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2643 2755
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.6172276, Longitude: -84.6245216

kommentar 5

  • gina ashby

    gina ashby


    This is an amazing Dental practice. Very professional and kind. I should know...I am a dentist! They took care of my daughter and I couldn’t be more pleased.

  • Michael Russo

    Michael Russo


    Premier Dental has been amazing took extra time to explain everything and the best plan for my dental work. I would highly recommend to anyone.

  • Michael Blazek

    Michael Blazek


    My wife and I have been patients of Dra Selena and Premier Dental for 8 years. The staff has always been professional and the care has been excellent. We would recommend Premier to anyone.

  • Johnny R James Jr

    Johnny R James Jr


    Dr. Natalia, Dr. Julius and the staff here are so amazing. I loved my first trip to visit Costa Rica and have fallen in love with the place . I have always had bad problems with my teeth since I was a child. I went to Premiere to get the all on 4 implant procedure for my bottom arch. The staff was kind and understanding of my situation. They had everything planned and ready to go for my arrival from the states for my first surgery. I returned 6 months later for my final Zirconium Prosthetic and WOW, I'm completely amazed. I only had 4 of my real teeth in my bottom arch and a front bridge supporting them. I now have a full smile again. I have back molars again which I haven't had in almost 20 years and i didn't have to resort to having a removable denture placed in.They will plan around any activities you have while you're visiting and make you feel at home. And OMG the cost savings is out of this world. Premiere Dental is and always be a part of my adopted Costa Rica family.

  • Holly Bruns

    Holly Bruns


    I had a cleaning and a whitening! I have gotten complements on the whitening day 2 from someone who didn’t know I had it done! The service was great and the staff was AMAZING. I highly recommend them for any dental care you need!

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