Hotel Three Sixty i Puntarenas

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Costa RicaHotel Three Sixty



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Calle Perezoso, Puntarenas, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 888-808-0415
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Latitude: 9.0682318, Longitude: -83.6413443

kommentar 5

  • vu nguyen

    vu nguyen


    we spent 6 nights at this secluded resort and it was a wonderful experience. we enjoyed the spectacular sunset view as well as the forest/ocean view from our own bungalow. we had breakfast daily there and dinner a few nights, every dish was tasty and beautifully presented. the property itself chic and very well maintained. what made this stay exceptional was the service. every staff member seemed to anticipate just what you need. we loved how they did things behind the scene and made pleasant surprises for the guests.

  • Giorgio TM

    Giorgio TM


    One of the best stays ever. Thanks Team Hotel 360 for the amazing stay. We really enjoyed it

  • Romi Olariu

    Romi Olariu


    We had an amazing stay at Hotel Three Sixty. The most amazing views we’ve seen in Costa Rica, really refined, newer place. It has a chic feel, with lots of natural surroundings. The staff is amazing. Ronald, the manager, and Fauricio, at the bar/restaurant are top-notch customer-oriented people. And everyone is so friendly you’ll have a hard time leaving. The rooms are whole villas with massive balconies and amazing views everywhere. So slick and nice. Just a bit of a rocky drive up the hills, so have a 4x4 vehicle. Highly recommend!

  • Stacey Barton

    Stacey Barton


    The room and view was amazing. I did have ants in my room (#11). I had to call 2x to have them come spray, and they still never went away. There were also quite a few bugs/spiders in the room, but I suppose this is part of a room in the jungle. Just be prepared for that. The pool area was also very nice. Although, the pool itself was a bit dirty (maybe just a jungle thing as well). I also found the service to be just average for a 'luxury hotel'. I found myself needing to flag down someone for a water at the pool or ask for towels because none were out. Just the little things that added up and resulted in me removing a star.

  • Zach Beach

    Zach Beach


    PERFECT IN EVERY WAY! My fiance and I spent three days at Hotel Three Sixty and could have stayed forever. Everything about the place was amazing. Yes the view is incredible, but also the staff is warm, welcoming, and helpful, they make you feel like family as soon as you arrive and anticipate your needs before you even ask. Every detail about the place is well-thought out, the room was spacious, the design was great, even the lotions and soaps were superb. The rooms also have complimentary coffee/espresso and water. The food at the restaurant is delicious and it was especially great to have breakfast included as well. I hope to come back in the future to experience again this magical place. Thanks so much Three Sixty!

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