Alajuela City Hotel & Guest House i Alajuela

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Costa RicaAlajuela City Hotel & Guest House



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3, Provincia de Alajuela, Alajuela, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2441 0525
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.0178421, Longitude: -84.2141635

kommentar 5

  • Carolyn Barnett

    Carolyn Barnett


    Met the owner/operator of this unique hotel. Heather is warm, friendly, knowledgeable and personable. She made sure our accommodations were relaxing, clean and comfortable. I highly recommend this hotel if you're ever in Costa Rica 🇨🇷.

  • Timothy Geniac

    Timothy Geniac


    Loved this place when it was Los Volcanes, love it even more now! Clean, tidy rooms that open into a calm and relaxing courtyard with a fountain. Great place to relax and get some work done. Heather (the owner) has gone above and beyond and has been very accommodating and helpful. We will always choose this place when flying into San Jose. El Chante Vegano restaurant is 400 feet up the block and amazing too! Cool area.

  • Aileen Lee

    Aileen Lee


    Great little find in Alajuela. The guest house has a small number of rooms, so it was very quiet and peaceful during our stay. Our host Heather greeted us at the door and was very friendly and hospitable. She is very knowledgeable about the area and gave us lots of tips. The room was very clean and comfortable, with hot and cold water. The courtyard area was lovely to relax in - very green and shady.

  • Carol Mitchell

    Carol Mitchell


    Charles and his staff were very helpful, attentive and accommodating. From the wonderful breakfasts, to the cleanliness of this hotel guest house, we were very pleased with our three night stay.

  • Daniel Espinosa

    Daniel Espinosa


    They are a wonderful team of very helpful people who just want you to enjoy yourself. It is American owned, down to earth and close to the very urban center of this beautiful city if you want to really get to know the humans who live in alajuela you can not beat this place. Very safe and very easy to find.

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