Walmart Guanacaste i Liberia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaWalmart Guanacaste



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Hotel El Sitio, Liberia, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 800-800-0722
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Latitude: 10.6263527, Longitude: -85.448173

kommentar 5

  • Tamara Myers

    Tamara Myers


    It's secure there are at least two policemen walking around or security guards they have some great deals we went in to Liberia to get are veggies though what we could at the market near the bus station which doesn't look like a market and got her in our meat because it was just a lot cheaper to buy local then from Walmart but it's clean you can find things you need check out was a little bit long though

  • Christopher Rodesch

    Christopher Rodesch


    Really good selection of housewares and a lot of good stuff in the grocery. Not like US walmart prices but resonable

  • Max Rodriguez

    Max Rodriguez


    Just another Walmart in the wall. Weird, you enter and exit by lefthand doors. After years un bussines, still don't have it's own website.

  • Galileo Solorzano

    Galileo Solorzano


    Don't buy anything electronics in any Walmart in Costa Rica. Bought an Oster microwave, only lasted 2 weeks, dead unit after 2 weeks! Store warranty of 30 days. Took it to the store thinking I'll get a replacement, but no cigar even after talking to the store manager. It's a store policy to send the unit for diagnosis and repair which would take 2-3 weeks. Support your local stores not multinational ones they don't care about the consumer. Walmart in Liberia.

  • Fabian White

    Fabian White


    No encontre gel old spice💔😥

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