Walmart i Río Segundo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaWalmart



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400 Mts sur del Hospital San Rafael de Alajuela sobre la Radial Francisco J. Orl, Provincia de Alajuela, Río Segundo, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 800-800-0722
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.0026417, Longitude: -84.2060429

kommentar 5

  • Shabbir Patel

    Shabbir Patel


    Gr8 place for stocking up before starting the journey, like water , chips, snacks , sun lotion , bug spray etc etc. Very good price n neat n clean.

  • Lex Soog

    Lex Soog


    We bought here our beach equipment for the family for a very reasonable price. If you have a chance to buy before you head to the beach locations, do it. Big parking and helpful staff.

  • Mike Soule

    Mike Soule


    AMERICANS: Do not shop here. It is not the same Walmart you are familiar with. Totally different company that just licenses the Walmart name. If you buy something here and it breaks 2 days later, you have to wait almost a month for this store to send the item to the manufacturer to have it repaired. In our case was a Black and Decker coffee pot so our choices are 3 weeks no coffee or buy another one since this “Walmart” will not replace or refund the purchase. Best to go to PriceSmart instead, they will refund or replace for 30 days.

  • Quynh Pham

    Quynh Pham


    Perfect for what I needed this business trip. They are also enforcing all covid rules!

  • Sean D

    Sean D


    Is Walt Mart what else can I say. Great prices. Great products!

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