Vida Mountain Resort & Spa i San Ramon

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Costa RicaVida Mountain Resort & Spa



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Alajuela Province, San Ramon, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2100 2328
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.0894587, Longitude: -84.6027259

kommentar 5

  • Joshua Montross

    Joshua Montross


    Epic views, great food, and an awesome sauna with cold plunge. Lucas was incredibly friendly and made us feel at home. We actually had the whole property to ourselves. It’s a long drive from liberia, and it feels very odd the beaten path and worth it. Great last night in Costa Rica and not too far from San Jose airport

  • Farrah Yaspe

    Farrah Yaspe


    Amazing location, every single room and amenity was very well designed, the yoga shala is a dream, the staff was attentive, kind, accommodating and friendly, the food was absolutely delicious, everything was perfect. Will definitely be going back! ; )

  • alona r

    alona r


    Beautiful, relaxing! If you wish to have quite time, relax, have an amazing massage or participate in yoga retreat, this is the place!! :)) Highly recommended 💛🙏✨🌴

  • Roxanne Mosley

    Roxanne Mosley


    Paradise! I am sure heaven has a special spot like this located there...Kelly and her Mom are the perfect resort host🙏🏾 Chef Pam and Chef Gustavo are the best! The food is cooked and prepared with love ❤️The Staff and lead by Gustavo are very attentive and friendly...I love this spot and am coming again!👍🏾👏🏾💃🏿❤️

  • Darren Olson

    Darren Olson


    Wow - Vida Mountain - highly recommended. I could not believe how serene, quiet, breathtaking Vida Mountain is. Everything from the accommodations to the food, the resort, to the staff was perfect. Salt water infinity pool, watching Parrots overfly, to the peacefulness. I can't wait to go back.

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