Spoon i San José

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Costa RicaSpoon



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Avenida Central, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2223 8236
internet side: www.spooncr.com
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Latitude: 9.9337608, Longitude: -84.0760678

kommentar 5

  • Dama CM

    Dama CM


    If you come to San Jose , stop by “Avenida Central” go to the second floor so you can get some view . I ordered a Torta Chilena “omg “ amazing ! , first class service . I had the big capuchino .... the place is clean & service is fast . They have wifi just in case you don’t have any service while traveling . Restroom very clean and smelled nice . I notice while seating that after each costumer Finish eating the waiter came and sanitized the table ... but ..... he took all napkins holders and replaced them with a clean new one after each costumer ... he went table by table cleaned and replaced .... this means a lot to me specially because I’m a clean freak ... What I can say ? “Pura Vida”

  • Kerry Leigh

    Kerry Leigh


    Fast and the best torta Chilena in the World.

  • Robert C

    Robert C


    It was ok, Fish was overcooked

  • Michel Nadeau Events

    Michel Nadeau Events


    Local family style restaurant with extensive menus. Great salad and soups for light options. Good coffees. Had lunch there twice.

  • Viktor Daniyelyan

    Viktor Daniyelyan


    It’s a great place to stop by. Pastry is delicious, BUT, ordered Sopa Oriental, egg was super cold inside, and chicken was super dry. Broth was very good tho. My friends loved their salad. Would visit again, but definitely will not be ordering soups

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