P.S.J. Importadora i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaP.S.J. Importadora



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100 sur del hospital metropolitano, Santa Lucia, San José, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2222 4308
internet side: www.psjimportadora.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 9.9295841, Longitude: -84.0852406

kommentar 5

  • Luz Eunice Avendaño

    Luz Eunice Avendaño


    Excellent! I find everything I am looking for, good service, good prices.

  • Cecilia Garbanzo

    Cecilia Garbanzo


    I like the attention of the staff and their variety of materials, although the prices have risen, thanks for your attention and many blessings 🙏 🙏

  • Mercedes Ruiz

    Mercedes Ruiz


    Very good attention

  • Evenlyn Acosta

    Evenlyn Acosta


    Wonderful place, it has everything I need, a lot of variety in fabrics and trimmings, the treatment is very good and the clarity of its businesses is excellent, the comfort is also an advantage

  • Joanne Simon

    Joanne Simon


    Just bought new cotton yarns today. I hadn't been there in years. The prices were higher, but expected and I use to get a cash discount but the lady wasn't there who authorizes those. Before after spending $40 I got a discount, now they said $100.00 for a discount. Great place to buy bulk yarns, just their selection was less but I'm extremely happy with my purchases. Cotton yarn from Turkey!

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