Nicola Joyería i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaNicola Joyería



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Parque Central, Bolivar, San José, 10102, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 8454 5556
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9262724, Longitude: -84.0910683

kommentar 5

  • Yuliana Bravo

    Yuliana Bravo


    Muy buenas atención, productos de calidad, rápido tiempo de respuesta y la mercadería súper linda. Los recomiendo totalmente

  • Vanessa M C

    Vanessa M C


    Excellent customer service, always first-hand attention. I receive the product on time and in full, the most important, excellent quality!

  • Alice Castro Rojas

    Alice Castro Rojas


    If you are interested in making a purchase at Nicola Jewelry and you have doubts, I can tell you that I was the same, I had doubts about the quality and the attention they gave me. I can say today that I recommend that you encourage yourself, all the jewels are of good quality and there is also a lot of variety so that you can start your own business or increase your sales.

  • Rachel PM

    Rachel PM


    I have about 6 months of buying jewelry beauties, the products are of very good quality at an affordable price 😍. And they update the jewelry frequently, I recommend them 100%. Very good customer service, effective time guidance and support for the entrepreneur, thank you Nicola 👍🏽😊💓

  • Alondra Jimenez Soto

    Alondra Jimenez Soto


    A couple of months ago I started buying jewelry, and both me and my clients have been fascinated by everything, every detail in the pieces counts if you doubt. And in terms of quality, the material is fabulous, without a doubt, an excellent decision to have made my purchases with you!

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