New Smile Dental Implant Center i San José

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Costa RicaNew Smile Dental Implant Center



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Avenida 2, 10103, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +1 888-663-9764
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Latitude: 9.9347257, Longitude: -84.0958516

kommentar 5

  • Americana Costa Rica

    Americana Costa Rica


    Richard Krug I had Mario pull my last four upper teeth. Then, on that very same day, he inserted four implants attached to a bridge! Shortly after, the pain started increasing. When I went and spoke to him about his procedure, he said he would need to take them all out. They were all infected! He cemented them onto a bridge. Check out his other happy clients below! >>> Rebuttal to Dr. Mario, I told him repeatedly that I stopped smoking over 15 years ago after I watched my father die of lung cancer, second I was screaming at him not his assistant who attached NEW implants to a bridge. According to 6 dentist a have talked to so far they all agree that he was wrong in what he did to me. But just to confirm my opinion of this butcher look at the reviews below. They all tell the truth about this guy.

  • DJ Walker

    DJ Walker


    I am amazed to see people going to this dentist. I spent thousands of dollars to have implants and I have learned that is was the worst dental work that could be done. They really do not care about Americans and with a smile...they do the worst job that you could imagine! How about having to pay to go back (hotel include with air fair) to correct shotty work three times...HORRIBLE dental work done by this office. The dental assistants just through some cement in my mouth and the Dr. said, "Your tongue will SMOOTH the cement after time!!!" He should lose his license because he is sub-standard. I have spoken to two other of his patients and they are both having problems with the dental work!!! BEWARE do not go to this clinic!

  • Sam Campano

    Sam Campano


    On a referral from a friend, I went to have an evaluation done with Dr. Bonilla. Really was a great decision and I am very happy with the work done. Very professional bi-lingual staff, state-of-the-art equipment and very competitive prices. They did in less than 2 weeks what would have taken 2 months in the USA and at a much lower cost. But don't let the great prices fool you. The work I had done and was top quality and I now have a smile that I am not afraid to show off!

  • Philip Christenson

    Philip Christenson


    It was a big, big mistake to go to New Smile. You see a lot of good reviews for minor procedures and for the patient's recent experience. My experience is that after only a couple of years, the crowns fail because they were poorly made and allowed cavities and cracking of the underlying teeth. While the purpose of crowns is to stop cracking and cavities, New Smile dentists insist when this happens it is the patient's fault. I started at New Smile with a limited number of teeth that needed an implant or other dental work, and four or five years later I am being told I need to yank out all my upper teeth and go with implants and a full upper bridge!!! I tried to save money but all the money I paid New Smile and the two trips from the US and more than two weeks of hotel and other expenses have been wasted -- probably a total of $12-13k. Stay far, far, far away from this place.

  • Hyrax Adventures

    Hyrax Adventures


    I had made an appointment with another dentist in Costa Rica first who flaked on me at the last minute. New Smile gave me a last minute appointment and did a great job cleaning my teeth and performing the exam. They were very clean and used lots of gloves and autoclave color packs which turn colored when they are exposed to air, so that you are ensured sterility. All in all a good experience!

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