Mayca Autoservicio Guanacaste w Liberia

KostarykaMayca Autoservicio Guanacaste



🕗 godziny otwarcia

De la entrada principal de Liberia 300 metros Norte, Provincia de Guanacaste, Liberia, 50101, Costa Rica
kontakt telefon: +506 2209 0500 ext. 6803
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 10.6286793, Longitude: -85.4446464

komentarze 5

  • Haydee Del Valle

    Haydee Del Valle


    Love Maica good sevice

  • Micki Bookout

    Micki Bookout


    I was very excited about going to this store after seeing someone ask about it on Facebook. The store is a great place for supplies if you own a restaurant or if you're hosting a large event. There are large containers of ketchup, mayonnaise, salad dressings, pizza sauce, syrups, etc. They also have large bags of take home containers of all sizes and shapes, plastic cutlery, and tin pans for serving large portions. In the freezer section are large bags of fries, onion rings, desserts, shrimp of all sizes, fish, beef, etc. There is also a large dairy section with large portions of various cheeses, etc. I walked out with some coffee flavoring and some powdered cream of chicken packets. Most of the items were too large to be considered for regular household use, but I did see items in there I haven't seen anywhere else, such as bottles of coffee flavorings, ice cream syrups, etc.

  • Saundra Porter Thomas

    Saundra Porter Thomas


    Mayca is the place to go for a variety of bulk items and maybe save a few colones or dollars. I purchased a 5lb bag of frozen blueberries for the same price I paid for two 12oz bags of blueberries in the regular grocery store. Yes, that's a lot of blueberries BUT that's also a huge savings. So, I'm happy 😊.

  • Daniel Muder

    Daniel Muder


    Good selection of USDA choice beef.

  • martyn m

    martyn m


    Very expensive compared to supermarkets

najbliższy Supermarket

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