Maxi Palí i Jaco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaMaxi Palí



🕗 åbningstider

34, Jaco, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2643 4252
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.6295594, Longitude: -84.6265751

kommentar 5

  • Tom Sochowicz

    Tom Sochowicz


    Good prices selection not so great

  • Donald Campbell

    Donald Campbell


    Very limited selection of packaged goods. Produce and meat counter were extremely limited and a lot was spoiled. Not very clean. Prices about the same as other places.

  • Isabel Hon

    Isabel Hon


    A more extensive version of the usual Maxi Pali, a local low-budget grocery store. Although the look is a warehouse, it is clean, organized, properly lit and shelves well stocked. Perceptions could be deceiving if you think you will get items here cheaper for the same. Although that is true for some items, others are actually more expensive, even to the AutoMercado, the most expensive chain supermarket here. So check your prices before you let the cashier take your money.

  • Radim Svoboda

    Radim Svoboda


    Good stuff here, but the selection is extremely limited, yet the prices are all right. They keep lights here dimmed for some reason so I could barely read the product labels. Not sure why they do that. Cost saving?

  • Linda Feliciano

    Linda Feliciano


    It's ok. However, it is not equivalent to a Walmart in the USA. And, there are better markets. If you are staying next to it then fine. But, it's not worth the trip in my opinion. The MasXMenos in the center of town has same products (not housewares or clothing) for the same price.

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