Lubricars i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaLubricars



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Transversal 9, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 4035 3535
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Latitude: 9.9262285, Longitude: -84.0747202

kommentar 5

  • Harold Quesada

    Harold Quesada


    Realicé un cambio de aceite, y lo positivo es que trabajan la marca Mobil, la cual muchos negocios no la tienen. Buen servicio y precios razonables, aunque siempre habrá espacio para mejorar en ambos aspectos.

  • Martin Law

    Martin Law


    Excellent service, prices, quality, everything ... Highly recommended. Make an appointment. Congratulations to all the staff.

  • Carlos Manuel Hidalgo López

    Carlos Manuel Hidalgo López


    I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT, THE SERVICE DROPPED A LOT. Until the last revision everything was fine, but today, in the revision it was lousy. Today I feel that I did not receive fair value for the money I paid. I made an appointment 2 weeks ago, and today I arrived at Lubricars Plaza Viquez. The place looks dirty, messy, very different from my last experience with my other car. I had requested an appointment for general maintenance, and a general overhaul, and in the end they charged me an amount for a job that raised doubts. The oil was not changed, it is not charged, it is fine, but then why did I schedule the appointment ... when I request information, the good deal is over. Obviously he had already paid and that is why the good service left. It seems that the person who receives the vehicles does not have knowledge, or believes that one should know about their work in the workshop, because I do not explain well. I will have to find a new workshop to do the maintenance of two cars, I know it is not much, but I will not recommend them again. It is sad that a company that provided good service is now not the shadow of what it was, or it is that they look down on sedan customers. Anyway, it is not logical that if you take the car to change the oil they do not do it. Besides, I asked for the diagnosis that I paid for and they only told me, change the hydraulic next, but if they didn't even make the change now, how to believe? The question I ask myself is .... have the work done or just the invoice ???

  • Qué Cosas (ASDF)

    Qué Cosas (ASDF)


    Terrible customer service from the receptionist, I don't know if he is the owner. He talks reluctantly, he moves reluctantly and only when one goes to pay half does he move and sometimes not even like that. Nor does he let go of his cell phone all day and many of the mechanics are still waiting for them to attend to him or to evacuate a question. The work is not so bad and they are fast, for sure that's why people go but otherwise the business makes a very bad impression. Sometimes they do not follow the instructions correctly, for example I had finished the car and the windows should not be opened I told them not only to the receptionist but to each and every one of the mechanics that I saw were working on my car and I was watching just in case, but with only about 5 minutes that I was absent to go to the bathroom and someone had opened the car windows. Finally, on one occasion that I went, they told me that the brushes should be changed, having put them in about 1 month before and then at the next oil change, they did not suggest changing them (of course because they were practically new) so they are not reliable at all those senses. As for the facilities, they have a bathroom, and half comply with the covid protocol at least. Parking is quite small, it is better to arrive early. In general, the site is used to carry out specific jobs such as oil change or brake cleaning. For the rest it is better not to pay much attention to them or distrust because they sometimes start inventing.

  • Juan Carlos Carvajal

    Juan Carlos Carvajal


    A great option for vehicle maintenance, attractive maintenance packages at affordable prices. And with excellent service. Very clean premises and they take care of all the health safety regulations. recommendable

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