International Bookstore i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaInternational Bookstore



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Avenida Central, 10101, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2221 0909
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9339905, Longitude: -84.0784898

kommentar 5

  • Luna Arratia

    Luna Arratia


    They lied to me to sell a chain saying that I could change it, when I went the next day to do it with my invoice, for a chain with a lower price and unused jewelry, the same people who had sold it to me said that 1) They would never say that if the jewelry store does not accept it. 2) They did not have chains, and when I asked if it was to buy, they took many chains from which "there were none", and during the whole process they were rude. Terrible service, they lie to sell, I would never recommend it

  • RAACH 08

    RAACH 08


    Good jewelry. They sell fantasy and real pieces. They fix jewelry, central location, excellent customer service. They accept card and cash.

  • George Iversen

    George Iversen


    Very nice little bookstore with some good jigsaw puzzles

  • gabriela huertas subiros

    gabriela huertas subiros


    Excellent customer service. The jewelry is of very good quality. And Gabriel's treatment of his clients is excellent. I love the wide variety of merchandise it has.

  • Kevin Quirós

    Kevin Quirós



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