Decasa Hatillo - Vianney Palace Collection i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaDecasa Hatillo - Vianney Palace Collection



🕗 åbningstider

Calle 52A, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2252 5272
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.9181654, Longitude: -84.1035122

kommentar 5

  • Angel Zamora

    Angel Zamora


    Call to ask for an article and I received very clear help

  • David Varela

    David Varela


    I did not like it first, I asked for information about the membership, despite making a purchase of 78 thousand colones and they did not explain how to acquire it (they did not explain it to me or even offer it) a thin woman with long black hair the supervisor of bad I babble something from a catalog and a minimum purchase from the store, she was more in her business than serving a single new customer, prices are not as low as advertised and with Multimoney previously kuiki they only offer you 3 months no interest when their system It is enabled for 6 and 12 months without interest, very unhappy I will not come back, misinformed, poorly attended, they do not care, create fame and go to sleep, they say.

  • Yader Wizard

    Yader Wizard


    Good but they don't have the price on the shelf you have to ask every time you need a price

  • Patricia Ramirez Vargas

    Patricia Ramirez Vargas


    Attention, there is a lot of variety and excellent quality is complied with the protocol .. 👍

  • oren dulberg

    oren dulberg


    Best store in town to get pillows! And excellent service!

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