Central Monitoreo Y Policía Municipal De San José i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaCentral Monitoreo Y Policía Municipal De San José


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Paso De La Vaca, San José Province, San José, Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2547 6020
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Latitude: 9.937854, Longitude: -84.0816012

kommentar 3

  • Mariano Phillips

    Mariano Phillips


    They abuse authority, arrogant, do not apply the law as it should be. Too bad these people.

  • danny sandoval

    danny sandoval


    They never answer phones. And of the police I have seen his abuse of authority and it is sad to see that. And poor efficiency in what really matters. As robberies, drug sales almost in front of them. But if they see someone selling avocados there if they persecute him as a criminal.

  • Taylor Newton

    Taylor Newton


    I was utterly amazed by the response time, organization, kindness, respect, wisdom, & preparation the police have here. They were so good, maybe the best police were have ever dealt with. San Jose is definitely taking the correct steps to attract tourism.

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