Cementerio Obrero i San José

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Costa RicaCementerio Obrero



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Calle 26, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2221 7210
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Latitude: 9.9298251, Longitude: -84.0917148

kommentar 5

  • Mike “Mike” Cook

    Mike “Mike” Cook


    Well worth the walk from the town centre. Some spectacular mausoleums. I am surprised that this did not make "Le Routard". There is an guard who, when I passed, was carrying a stake and a 9mm automatic in his belt. He was obviously prepared for assaults from within and without.

  • Rowan Hulsman

    Rowan Hulsman


    What a beautiful and peaceful place. In the middle of busy San Jose, here you can find a quiet place for a small break or a snack. Roam between the tombs decorated with white marble and angels. When you walk towards the south of the cemetery, you have a beautiful view over the mountains on a sunny day! ☀️

  • George Nixon

    George Nixon


    Clean and calming.

  • K B

    K B


    While roaming the busy, noisy streets of SJ... Give yourself a break and walk into this quiet place. It is extremely well kept and organized. Worth a visit if you're near by.

  • A C

    A C


    The cemetery is broken into 2 sections. We walked into the more westerly section without most of the marbel statutes first; the walk down the main aisle really quietes you then you meet a caged Virgin Mary... Quite impactful. The second section is full of ornate statues and an underground mausoleum which seemed quite extensive

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