Casa Blanca i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaCasa Blanca



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Avenida Central, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2105 3925
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Latitude: 9.9341316, Longitude: -84.0783661

kommentar 5

  • Brian Basso

    Brian Basso


    I can't imagine a WORSE company to buy a Refrigerator from than CASA BLANCA The refrigerator we purchased was delivered and when we plugged it in it made a LOUD SCREECHING NOISE. We notified the store about the issue and they wanted to send someone there to FIX it, ( Are you Serious) WE PAID $800 over 420k colones that day. We notified them that their solution to fix the defective refrigerator was UNacceptable and they would need to replace it ( obviously ) with a new one. Several weeks went by and they still hadn't replaced it. Then THEY wanted to replace it with a USED REFRIGERATOR. Finally they agreed to replace it with a new refrigerator but it was less expensive and and they didn't want to pay back the difference owed ( 20k colones). They also charged us a DELIVERY FEE to replace the Defective Refrigerator they sold us. The store manager Kimberly only cared about protecting the stores interests at the expense of her customer. It was a simple problem to correct and she took several weeks to come up with an acceptable resolution, only due to the constant pressure we put on her. We weren't refunded the difference for the less expensive refrigerator and we had to pay delivery fees to replace the defective refrigerator that they sold us. It really is hard to imagine a worse company or a WORSE way to conduct business. This store NEEEDS A NEW MANAGER and they need to learn to care for their customers.

  • José Montero

    José Montero


  • Gabriel Calderon

    Gabriel Calderon


  • Gabriel Bolaños A.

    Gabriel Bolaños A.


  • Hazel V

    Hazel V


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