Carwash La Sabana i San José

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Costa RicaCarwash La Sabana



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Calle 42, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 4031 7483
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 9.9338259, Longitude: -84.0979751

kommentar 5

  • Gerardo Cabrera

    Gerardo Cabrera


    The best Carwash in Costa Rica, excellent service !!!

  • Fabio Vargas

    Fabio Vargas


    Today for the first time I went, the car already deserved it and I must say that I will continue visiting it, I liked the service, the quality and the details. They use good products, they take care of the vehicles. It has a waiting room with coffee, tv and free wifi. There is also a sodita, as well as to have a coffee with an empanada or something like that hehehe. I recommend the place, near the savannah, you can enter from the north side or the west side. Important, they have a lot of staff and an eye, the details in the cars take time, so if you take your car or motorcycle to wash, spend time.

  • Carlos Maria Jimenez Ramirez

    Carlos Maria Jimenez Ramirez


    Very good service and affordable prices ....

  • Luis D. Rivas

    Luis D. Rivas


    Excellent place to take the car. Fast and incredible details. They have a waiting room and an office to work. I recommend it without reservation.

  • Yvette Nelson

    Yvette Nelson


    Excellent service, immaculately clean facility, wifi, and coffee. I would go here all the time if I lived here. Thank you Roger and Rolando, and the rest of the crew!

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