Bus Terminal - Tracopa Ltda i San José

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Costa RicaBus Terminal - Tracopa Ltda



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Calle 5, San José, CR Costa Rica
kontakter telefon: +506 2221 4214
internet side: www.tracopacr.com
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Latitude: 9.9254919, Longitude: -84.0774528

kommentar 5

  • Emily Karnuth

    Emily Karnuth


    This bus company is safe and very punctual. However, if you're not taking a direct route (for example, San Jose to Manuel Antonio) and you want to stop somewhere along the way instead, you MUST tell the person tagging your luggage as well as the driver. And the person taking your tickets is not necessarily the driver, so make sure you're telling the right person. Also, we discovered that even if you're riding the bus for a partial route instead of the full route, you'll pay the full price of the ticket which is something to keep in mind. Very helpful customer service as well, just make sure you ask about any questions or doubts you may have.

  • ליאור דבורה

    ליאור דבורה


    This bus company is safe and professional. We loved their services. The bus station in San Jose is secure and convenient. The price is usually a little bit more expensive, but it is all worth it. You can rely on their schedule.

  • Patricia Castillo

    Patricia Castillo


    It is quite clean and tries to keep a limit capacity during the pandemic. Everything seems well organized and bus tickets are easy to buy. However, be careful when getting a taxi outside. I nearly took a fake one thinking the driver was legit but was able to catch on what was happening on time. I immediately turned around to take a taxi from right outside the terminal to which the driver was very upset. It's just as unsafe as anywhere else, just pay attention to your surroundings.

  • Leo Abert

    Leo Abert


    The terminal was very clear and well organized. There was a screen with the current departure times. Buying the ticket was done smoothly.

  • ScooterPuraVida! Steward

    ScooterPuraVida! Steward


    I love Tracope. Always clean, cool, safe. Using the online app could not be any easier to pay for your ticket. Use your phone to show the bus driver abbreviated your in your reserved seat ready for your trip. I use Tracope for SJO trips from Jaco to SJO and back which are always comfortable, secure and safe. I might add the terminal in SJO is walking distance to the very new urban medical center of Biblica Hospital.

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